2014年10月30日 星期四

AWS RDS mysql 慢查詢 (slow query log)


The MySQL slow query log and the general log can be written to a file or a database table by setting parameters in your DB parameter group. For information about creating and modifying a DB parameter group, see Working with DB Parameter Groups. You must set these parameters before you can view the slow query log or general log in the Amazon RDS console or by using the Amazon RDS API, Amazon RDS CLI, or AWS SDKs.
You can control MySQL logging by using the parameters in this list:
  • slow_query_log: To create the slow query log, set to 1. The default is 0.
  • general_log: To create the general log, set to 1. The default is 0.
  • log_output: To write the general and slow query logs to the file system, set to FILE. The default is TABLE, which writes general queries to the mysql.general_log table, and slow queries to the mysql.slow_log table. To disable logging, set to NONE.
  • long_query_time: To prevent fast-running queries from being logged in the slow query log, specify a value for the shortest query execution time to be logged, in seconds. The default is 10 seconds, the minimum is 0. If log_output = FILE, you can specify a floating point value that goes to microsecond resolution. If log_output = TABLE, you must specify an integer value with second resolution. Only queries whose execution time exceeds the long_query_time value are logged. For example, setting long_query_time to 0.1 prevents any query that runs for less than 100 milliseconds from being logged.
  • log_queries_not_using_indexes: To log all queries that do not use an index to the slow query log, set to 1. The default is 0. Queries that do not use an index are logged even if their execution time is less than the value of the long_query_time parameter.

  • http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_LogAccess.Concepts.MySQL.html
  •  http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/slow-query-log.html

